An introductory post

Image credit: [Marta Gaia Sperandii]

I am very new to blogging, so I thought I’d start with an introductory post.

I am vegetation scientist broadly interested in biodiversity monitoring. My main research focus is the multi-faceted analysis of patterns and drivers of temporal vegetation change, but I am also interested in evaluating the effectiveness of protected areas in maintaining and/or improving the conservation status of EU habitats.

So far, I have been mostly working in Mediterranean coastal dunes and dry grassland.

I am particularly involved in the International Association for Vegetation Science. Between 2019 and 2021 I served in the Steering Committee of the Young Scientists working group, and I am currently chair of the Ecoinformatics working group. I am also a member of the Italian Society for Vegetation Science and of the Italian Chapter of the Society for Conservation Biology.

I am also part of the LOTVS initiative, a global collection of permanent vegetation plots.

Marta Gaia Sperandii
Marta Gaia Sperandii
ERA Postdoctoral Fellow

A vegetation scientist with a strong focus on temporal plant ecology.